Bad Day?


Is outside the window  gray? You cannot see the neighborhood? Are you thinking that outside the window the freezing air is  just waiting to enter into your bones? Everything makes you believe that the best thing is to stay at home sitting on the couch watching an  idiot program with the brain switched off?
Nothing could be more wrong.

At Costa del Grillo you can admire the rest of the world from above, both in practical and metaphorical sense. Above the fog that covers the valley, hard to believe, the sun shines.  Hot or warm, whatever it is, bright your herath up and frees your mind. And when the sun goes down,  sister moon shows up and gives us a wonderful starry night.

But the most magical moment is the sunset (it could be also the dawn, but lets not claim so much). Each season offers amazing sights and unforgettable colors that are part of an already perfect day.

Does the sun shine over your house? Here even more. On one thing you can bet:  if you see water outside the window, easily,  it may be raining  in Costa del Grillo too. But if in the other days you don’t want to live in black an white, you must come up here.

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Azienda Agricola Costa del Grillo