The End of the World


In Italy sometimes we say: it’s the end of the world.  When it happens, although it’s the worst thing that can happen to the whole creation, we  are always referring to a very positive situation.

“I’ve eaten a fish soup that was the end of the world” Really? Was it poisoned? Why you can talk about it  if you are still alive? Or, it was so good that if the world was ending in that moment you were be happy anyway?

This year will be the end of the world. What comes in to your mind? Banks in bankruptcy, earthquakes, eruptions, meteorites, default, fires, desertification and nuclear wars?

Of course not.

If someone tells you that this year will be the end of the world, be sure it will be fun, full of passion and extraordinary situations. The glass is always half full and you will always be in a good company. Just believe in it.

So, all those who are convinced that this year will be the end of the world, will have a place in the next to come, because even that will be the end of the world.

Today was the end of the world. Didn’t you notice?

Having lunch outdoor, at Costa del Grillo, at 650 meters high, the eight of January is the end of the world.

Snacking pies brought by the Capricorns is merely the end of the world.

Tasting  pasta with  fish sauce of Stella,  is boring to say, is the end of the world.

Diving in Pietro’s fish soup … it was a hell because it burned and the crab claws pinched by the extremely freshness of the fish. Blessed is who has just eaten it, because it was …


An old song said: If there were no flowers could you imagine them?

If you have not been to Costa del Grillo on the 8th of January 2012, could you imagine such a best Capricorn’s Party?

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Azienda Agricola Costa del Grillo