Springtime ’15


What a wonderful spring! Beautiful weather, with a taste of summer and only a little rain. Come see a part of the real world at Costa del Grillo, where Switzerland, Germany, Brazil, New Mexico, Zimbabwe, California and Australia have come to visit us. We have completed three long horse treks and many relaxed hikes. We constructed a greenhouse and a compost pile. We planted a vegetable garden and seeded the three sisters: Squash (zucchini, watermelons, melons) beans (green beans, chickpeas) and corn. We built a new and stylish bench for the arena and a wooden sign with the logo of Costa del Grillo at the entrance. We learnt beekeeping and have three new beehives on the farm now. Last Autumn we sowed wheat fields and have grown to be very healthy, and in a couple of weeks it will be ready for harvest. But most importantly, at the start of next week we will be laying the first stone… oops, the first straw-bale of the straw-bale FarmLab.

We expect a exciting summer!

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Azienda Agricola Costa del Grillo