There are places that still haven’t lost their ancient charm, where with a bit of imagination you can relive the same emotions of the knights who came before us. If the big majors still choose these locations there will be a reason. Leave behind the hustle and...
In Italy sometimes we say: it’s the end of the world. When it happens, although it’s the worst thing that can happen to the whole creation, we are always referring to a very positive situation. “I’ve eaten a fish soup that was the end of the...
This year Costa del Grillo wanted to join the event Piacenza-Maremma which took place for the third year by our friends of the the Brewery BAD located in Castagneto, Travo. As tradition wants, some of us went there horseriding, going through a beautiful path that is...
Mid August … and the Mezzano’s Cowboys decided to spend the night in Costa del Grillo.Will they remember perhaps the beautiful sunset? No!Will they remember the harshness of the land beneath their backs while they slept in tents? Nothing to do.Will they...
First Sunday of summer . In Costa del Grillo curious have just come across the incredible landscape of the Piacenza valleys. Some on horseback, some by foot or by car, have been able to touch the new reality created between Trebbia and Luretta valleys. Valentina...